Automatization of white goods quality inspection with VECTRO

VECTRO automatizált hézagmérő GapGun PRO2 alapon


As quality control within the white goods improves with products like the GapGun, a second step is automation. Third Dimension also boast an automated non-contact measurement solution; the VECTRO.

VECTRO is a non-contact precision measurement system which can be mounted on a robot, cobot or fixed arm. Vectro enables white goods manufacturers to reduce costs, improve quality and increase productivity. Industry leaders are increasingly expressing interest in VECTRO to automate their quality control management systems and here are six reasons why, VECTRO:

automates manufacturing decisions

automates the checking of parts against their dimensional specification with real-time go/no go decisions, or statistical analysis. This helps cut inspection cost and increase productivity.

is fast and efficient

measures quickly and automatically. This measurement data can then be instantly transferred from Vectro to a central data system immediately via it’s Wi-Fi capabilities, enabling White Goods Manufacturers to prove an audit-trail on their quality checks.

is easy to integrate

Unlike CMMs, Vectro is popular because of its ease of set up. It can be integrated into many applications using Third Dimension’s easy-to-use Link integration software. Simple commands trigger measurements and retrieve results, leaving more time to focus on the production process.

delivers accurate, repeatable and reliable results

Due to the consistent positioning of the Vectro  with fixtured or robotically guided measurements, any human error is eliminated, and accurate results are ensured every time.

has a dynamic user interface

The display features of the Vectro are designed to make life easier for the user. Vectro display presents live profile information and measured values, making it even easier to focus on improving the quality of products.

is versatile

is compatible with the range of sensor heads, each specialising in a focused measurement range. Operators can measure a diverse range of feature shapes, sizes and surface types using one system.

